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Call for Interactive Workshop Proposals

Updated: May 3, 2023


11th Annual National Conference

November 7-9, 2023 - St. John's, N.L.

Be part of THE First Nations health education event of the year, as the FNHMA community gathers for our 11th annual national conference! Help us to develop a dynamic, interactive, and relevant program that will leave participants with tools and knowledge that will support them in their daily work and personal life. If you have a story, tools and knowledge to share with others working in First Nations health management, strategies to contribute to health service delivery at the community level or a case study of interest, please submit your proposal by Wednesday, May 17, at 4 pm EDT.


The First Nations Health Managers Association is committed to excellence in expanding health management capacity for First Nations organizations. We are a national, professional association exclusively serving the needs of individuals working for or aspiring to positions with First Nations organizations; responsible for providing training, certification, and professional development opportunities in health management.

The FNHMA annual national conference is an opportunity to celebrate and share our inherent knowledge in health leadership and management. The conference addresses emerging trends, topics, tools, successes, and leading practices relevant to the FNHMA core competencies:

  • Leadership and Governance

  • Professionalism

  • Advocacy, Partnerships and Relationships

  • Human Resources Management

  • Financial Management and Accountability

  • Health Services Delivery

  • Quality Improvement and Assurance

  • Planning

  • Communication

  • Cultural Awareness


Conference attendees include First Nations Health Managers and health staff, First Nations health governance officials, representatives from all levels of government, and the private sector.

A First Nations Health Manager is someone who works in or with a First Nation community or Tribal Council and has the responsibility for the management of health human resources, financial resources, and health programs. They might also provide leadership and direction around resource planning, change management, and health and social program delivery. They may also be a manager of a community health centre or facility, addictions treatment centre, or health programs. Titles used to designate a First Nations Health Manager include Chief Executive Officer, Health Director, Health Manager, Health Coordinator, Health and Social Services Director, and Executive Director. There are more than 5,000 managers who work in First Nations health services in Canada.

Submitting an interactive workshop proposal

The conference concurrent workshops are 90 minutes in length and are designed to facilitate more in-depth learning and to allow for interaction and Qs & As from participants. If you are interested in delivering one of the 16 concurrent workshops, please review the following guidelines and prepare a proposal in Microsoft Word.

All proposals should:

  • Provide a title and description for your proposed workshop (the description should be 250 words or less).

  • Demonstrate how you will provide participants with take-away lessons and tools.

  • Describe how your workshop will be engaging and interactive.

  • Indicate which FNHMA core competency(ies) your workshop would fit in.

  • Provide the name, job title, First Nation community or organization name, telephone number and email address of the proposed speaker(s). We understand that your workshop speakers might not be confirmed at this stage.

Note: There is a maximum of 3 speakers for each workshop. The FNHMA strongly encourages you to include First Nation representatives among your speakers to bring a community perspective about your topic/workshop.

Delivering engaging and interactive workshops:

  • Engaged audience through round-tables discussions and feedback

  • Interactive workshops like a World Cafe

  • Panels that include a presenter with lived experience

Where applicable, presentations should address:

  • Issues that affect a particular aspect of health management.

  • Case studies, especially lessons learned AND not learned.

  • Innovative solutions, both proven and potential, to the issues faced in any area of health management.

Presentations should relate to one or more of the following FNHMA Core Competencies:

Leadership and Governance


Advocacy, Partnerships and Relationships

Human Resources Management

Financial Management and Accountability

Health Services Delivery

Quality Improvement and Assurance



Cultural Awareness

Workshop selection criteria

The program committee will review and select proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Topic and relevance to FNHMA Core Competencies

  • How your workshop will be engaging and interactive, and how will it align with the theme

  • Focus on future trends and lessons learned (what worked AND what didn't) and recommended solutions to common issues

  • Concise statement of the benefits of your presentation to attendees (e.g., how will this assist in their work)

  • Speaker's expertise and knowledge

  • Research findings are welcome, provided the session is aimed at First Nation Health Managers and practitioners and balanced with sufficient practical information (i.e. 'here's how this can be applied to ...')

  • Absence of commercial sales content for services or products

Deadline for submissions

The deadline to submit your proposal is Wednesday, May 17, at 4 pm EDT. Please email your submission to our conference secretariat at

IMPORTANT: Speakers will receive a complimentary registration to the full conference, including admission to all sessions, the exhibit area, receptions, and meals (2 lunches and 1 dinner). Speakers are responsible for their travel and accommodation costs and all other expenses related to their participation at the conference.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact the FNHMA Conference Secretariat by email at or telephone at 819.827.5931 or 1.866.775.1817.

Head Office:

211 Akwesasne International Rd.

Akwesasne, ON K6H 0G5

Ottawa Office:

310 - 303 Moodie Drive

Kanata, ON K2H 9R4

Telephone: 613-599-6070

Toll-free: 1-844-218-0440

Fax: 613-319-8092


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