Our History
First Nations Health Managers are leaders who honour, maintain and uphold inherent ways of knowing while balancing management principles to bring excellence to their communities and health programs.
On Wednesday, February 10, 2010, the founding board of the First Nations Health Managers Association was established. The First Nations Health Managers Association will provide leadership in health management by promoting quality standards, research, certification and professional development.
The Founding Board of Directors:
Ella Arcand, President
Holly Charyna, Vice President, Ontario Representative
David McLaren, Secretary/Treasurer
Laurette Bloomquist, BC Representative
Sandra Lamouche, Alberta Representative
Karen Schmidt, Saskatchewan Representative
Doris Bear, Manitoba Representative
Donna Metallic, Québec Representative
Darlene Anganis, Atlantic Representative
Marion Crowe, Executive Director
The journey that led to the creation of the First Nations Health Managers Association began after a joint Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) meeting in March 2005. Senior management agreed that increasing capacity of First Nations Health Managers was key to improving First Nations health service delivery at the community level. Subsequently, the Chiefs Committee on Health (CCOH) identified Aboriginal Health Human Resources as a priority. The AFN and FNIHB jointly agreed (Resolution #58, December 2008) to form a First Nations Health Managers Advisory Committee which was approved by the National First Nations Health Technicians and CCOH. The First Nations Health Managers Advisory Committee was mandated to explore the elements of a supportive environment for First Nations Health Managers and provide leadership, partnership and advice on:
The development of a national set of First Nations Health Managers Continuing Competencies;
The establishment of a national network of First Nations Health Managers;
The creation of an informative website and e-portal for First Nations Health Managers;
The formation of a national association for First Nations Health Managers.
The First Nations Health Managers Advisory Committee (mandate ended March 31, 2010) history in brief:
Commissioned the National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) to complete a situational analysis and needs assessment, 2007/08;
Completed a literature review of other competency frameworks, July 2008;
Sponsored two First Nations Health Managers National Forums where the draft competency framework was reviewed and discussed, (Edmonton, March 2008 and Vancouver, January 2009);
Finalized the First Nations Health Managers Competency Framework, July 2009.